~ Mythology ~

Zeus (Jupiter) & Pan


*god of all gods

*He was god of the sky; rain, snow, thunder, lighting & clear blue sky

*His weapon was the Thunderbolt

*His sarced bird was the Eagle

*His sacred tree was the Oak


Greatest of the gods on Mount Olympus, Zeus was lord of the sky, rain-god and cloud-gatherer. He was the god of rain, snow, thunder, lightning and the clear blue sky. His weapon was the thunderbolt; his sacred bird, the eagle; his sacred tree, the oak. His power was greater than all the other gods together. As supreme god, Zeus was the god of morality and social virtues as well as the god of good faith and of victory. Being the god of moral law did not impede Zeus' outrageous behavior with women, however.

Father of men and gods alike, Zeus could turn himself into various things and often tricked the women he wanted to seduce. He married his sister, Hera, after disguising himself as a cuckoo and seducing her. With Hera, he sired Mars (Ares, God of War), Hephaestus (Vulcan, god of fire) and Hebe, (goddess of youth.) Zeus loved women and the Greeks loved Zeus all the more for his bumbling husband role. Falling in love with one woman after another, Zeus was constantly concocting some hoax to conceal his affairs from Hera. Among Zeus' many famous children, was ATHENA, GODDESS of WISDOM, and CREATIVITY among her many other attributes.

On a Greek coin of Alexander the Great (336-323 B.C.), Zeus is depicted enthroned holding his sacred bird, the eagle. Philip II of Macedonia, father of Alexander the Great, also featured the laureate bust of Zeus. Zeus and his Roman counterpart, Jupiter, along with their various symbols, are some of the most prominent features, in whole or in part, on coins of the Greek and Roman Empires.



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