of Music
played beautiful music in Olympus with his golden lyre~
taught men the art of healing~
of Prophecy
his oracle at Delphi was the most famous in the
of the Muses
were usually accompanying him and the Graces on their strolls
and loved singing and dancing on laurel leaves, while Apollo was
playing the lyre~
was the son of Zeus and Leto, twin brother of Artemis (Diana),
was one of the most prominent figures on Mount Olympus. His mythology
is just as dynamic in Roman culture as it was in Greek. He was
the god of prophecy, song, music, agriculture, arts & healing.
His sacred tree was the laurel; his sacred animals the dolphin
and bull. Those in distress looked to Apollo for help in fending
off evil, or punishing the wicked or arrogant. Homer described
him admirably as the "dread shining one".
In order to hide from Hera (Zeus' first wife), Zeus changed himself
and Leto into quail. Not fooled, Hera put a curse on Leto, by
telling her she was pregnant and that she wouldn't be able to
give birth anywhere the sun shone. Hera sent a python to chase
Leto so she wouldn't find a proper birthing place. Zeus came to
the rescue by sending Leto to a small, rocky island called Delos,
where Apollo was born.
As god of prophecy, Apollo was channeled through the mouth of
priestess who was in a trance. Then, temple priests would interpret
her mysterious answers. Apollo's advice, through several Oracles,
was regularly sought by ambassadors of Greek and Roman origin,
proof of Apollo's rightfully earned place as one of "the"
gods of ancient mythology